Setting stones of remembrance in hot pursuit of the prize!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

This week at Sunny Toad Academy...

People keep asking the kids how school is going. I know it is the child equivalent of "how are you doing?" A lot of adults have a hard time making small talk with small fries. I completely understand. I am with them 24/7/365 and I still scratch my head often. The following is something Mitchell told me this morning. Keep in mind that at the time I was holding his precious little 4 year old face in my hands. He had my undivided attention.
"How can you like purple and not like the bubble gum of it?"-Mitchell
"I don't know." -a perplexed Me.
"How 'bout you read the Bible of it?"- Mitchell
-Over his shoulder as he walks away.
"10, 25 of it, okay?"
What!!? An important prophecy? I'm still puzzling over this one. Anyway, people ask the kids how school is and usually my kids start giggling and tell people, "We haven't started school, we're home schooled." They either don't understand or don't care that they are often perceived as odd balls. I'm good with that either way.

What they say is true. We have yet to crack a book. Funny thing to say as often the most effective punishment in my arsenal is removing reading materials from their possession. As a rule we don't hit the books until the garden is, for the most part, put to bed for the winter.

Here is a run down of how we have been passing the time the last week.

Sweet potato harvest school to make baby food for littlest brother.

Chicken fried steak lessons. The fresh beans and potato
from our garden cancel out the breaded fried meat.

Carpentry school adds a garage and "classroom" to our home.

There's no question this was my favorite lesson to teach this week.
Cream pie school. Madigan made chocolate and Maliah's was coconut.

Instruction was also received in how to prepare for a church potluck, how to neatly apply paint to a large object and a room, and how to prune suckers from trees. We will get around to the books, but until then we will settle for the mundane of every day life. Like coconut cream pie...

1 comment:

  1. Megan, Supper looked great that evening! That looks like something I would make. The pies looked wonderful. You could have asked us to come and be taste testers. We would have dropped everything and came right over. Can't wait to see the addition when it's finished. Loved having you at Bible study. Cheesecake was awesome, my men asked if there was any left for them. I'd like the recipe.
