Setting stones of remembrance in hot pursuit of the prize!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Captain Underpants

We pay pretty close attention to what our kids read. They consume vast amounts of the written word so we often have a hard time keeping up with their appetites. While on vacation I came across my oldest clearly enjoying some "quality" fiction. Upon further investigation I found this tome belongs to my nephew who won it at the public library where my mom works. I am sure it will one day pass as a classic.

Reading the book is one thing, but the phenomena seems to have spread. Earlier this week I sat the kids is front of the Daniel Boone DVD Max got for his birthday, wearing the coon skin caps they got up north, so I could finish sanding their bedroom floors. While I was otherwise occupied apparently "Captain Underpants" greeted the Schwann's man and the UPS man at the front door on their appointed routes. The girls figure we don't have to worry about the Schwann's man returning any time soon...

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