Setting stones of remembrance in hot pursuit of the prize!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


My boy turns 6 next week. He is starting to shed bits of his boyness in favor of putting on some manhood. When a discussion of bikes came up he began to bemoan the "girly" shade of pink that his wears. I, of course, saw this as an opportunity for a lesson in contentment.
"Who made color?" I asked.
"God." boy sighed. I think he knew where I was going with this.
"If God made all color there are no boy or girl colors. You should be
happy you have wheels at all!" I declared.
"Yes Ma'am." he again sighed. We've been working on our Ma'aming. -We implemented this so I know they have heard when I give directions and can't feign deafness.-
At least he was making an attempt at the correct attitude. So I decided to reward him. His first project!
"Since you are almost 6 you can change the color of your bike. Are you ready for your first overhaul?" I questioned.
This was met with great excitement. We were going to town anyway so he picked out some spray paint and sand paper to complete his task. When we got home he road his pink princess bike to the shop and excitedly got to work sanding off princess stickers and paint. I think his favorite part was using the air compressor to spray off the dust before the bike was painted. Makes sense. It was the only power tool used for this job. His testosterone showing, no doubt.

He is pretty happy with the results. He doesn't even mind the purple rims and handlebar grips!

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