Setting stones of remembrance in hot pursuit of the prize!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just What I Always Wanted...

We have a landscaping business. What that means for our yard is that it gets less attention from the man of the house than others might. You've heard of the poor cobbler's shoeless children? The kids are good little weeders, but we still seem to fall behind in that area.

All I asked for was a bottle of round-up. I didn't mix it up myself because he kept telling me he was on it and then I would forget about it. Seeing as how it is now August I have pretty much given up on the weeds. There is one in my zinnia's that is taller than I. He likes to lower my expectations before he delivers so I don't start expecting too much. He's tricky that way.

I heard it first. I was in the corn garage (corn crib turned garage, which differentiates it from the bio-barn home of the bio-diesel equipment, and party barn where we hope to someday party, etc. you get the idea) refinishing the kitchen table and benches. It sounded like a jet flying way too low. As I started walking, an out-of-place aroma drifted on the air. It was kind of a mixture of burnt hair and feathers. What I saw was a bit disturbing, but not so much that I didn't laugh out loud. Flame thrower in hand, propane tank at his feet, and baby peaking over his shoulder from the backpack, Matt waged war on the grass in the driveway. I quickly retreated to my task with one request that he mind carefully the load on his back. I, of course, received updates from my progeny. The first brought word that one of the grass beds would have burned to the ground if she hadn't spotted and stamped it out. My four year old then came to say that green grass isn't as much fun as black. Important to note that message was from a boy. Testosterone is an amazing thing. After having been raised with 4 brothers, married to a man for 14 years, and having birthed 3 males you'd think I would be used to it by now. Testosterone is an amazing thing! I'm so glad God made us so different. Keeps life interesting.

And to think I would have settled for a little ol' bottle of round-up...

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