Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."
At the end of July my friends Gwen and Lora had a terrific idea to have a homemakers/home schoolers get together. Gwen graciously opened her home for the day and organized a binder for all with tips and ideas from menu planning to how to be a better help meet to our husbands. The opportunity to borrow, sell, or buy new and used books was also offered. They let me offer up a devotional based on Deuteronomy 6:5-7 and I shared the Sunny Toad Academy's mission statement. I was followed by someone I consider a mentor of mine. She has already graduated 5 students and has 3 still at home. I learn something new every time I talk to her! That day was not exception. I have already started reading two of the books she suggested and am enjoying having my brain exercised.
I always enjoy discussing educational philosophies of other families and how they implement them. I am sure to come away with something new to try at our house. There is no one way to do things, and that is what is so much fun about meeting with other home schoolers. Every child and family has individual needs so the way we go about fulfilling those needs should look very different!
The Lord has truly blessed me with some great ladies with whom to fellowship! I look forward to getting together again soon.
One of my mentors with her daughters, granddaughter, and daughter-in-law (one week from delivering another girl!). What a delightful family!
She shall forever be in my mind "My friend, Gwen" What a delightful post, Megan. I truly enjoy reading your posts. I was telling Sam that I really enjoy your style of writing. It is easy to read and always entertaining.