I finally have something completed that I can post without wrecking the Christmas present surprise. This happens to be for my kids. I will have to forbid them from checking out my blog. I always have a chuckle when people say they got someone to watch their children while they Christmas shopped for the kids. I seldom leave the house without my entourage. Makes me feel more important that way. Anyone with that many people following them must be a person of note. Maybe I should give them all cameras and we can pretend they are paparazzi. I am 93% sure most folks being chased by the hoard paid them to drum up business to meet their career goals. From the number of face covered circulars at the grocery check-out it may show a great deal of business acumen. But I digress...
I purchase most all gifts for my kids in their presence. (how punny!) Birthdays included. This doesn't mean they know what they will be receiving. They learn not to question unusual purchases at a young age. We also have a plethora of nieces and nephews with just as many birthday buying opportunities on which to place suspicion.
My kids are a bunch of droolers. Only 1out of 6 of my babies didn't have to wear a bib 24/7. I may not always remember a change of clothes for the baby when we are out and about, but I always have 5 extra bibs. I change bibs more than I change diapers! This being said, I don't think they outgrow this habit. They spend the night dessicating as all moisture drains from their bodies onto their pillows. In the spirit of true disclosure I once was as they are until the last 10 years when I was forced from being a stomach sleeper due to pregnancy and lactation. I'm passing all the blame onto my dad, the patriarch of the drooling sleepers.
Let me halt here to give warning to all those of you who have yet to chose a life's mate. This trait could be a deal breaker. Put the drool question on your "questionaire for possible suitors". You can thank me in the future...
Due to the drool my kids pillows are not the most pleasant things even after much laundering. So pillows went on the Christmas list. This buying season Matt happened to be in town with us and I took the opportunity to dart into Wal Mart while they waited in the car. Not sure how I thought I would "sneak" 5 pillows into the van without anyone noticing. I had hoped Matt would park facing away from the exit. They were questioning my bulk pillow purchase before I was buckled. "Who are those for?" "Are you giving those to -cousin's name- for his birthday?"
So ends my brief foray into stealthy gift procurement.
I did make each of them a new pillowcase. It was fun picking out fun fabrics for each of them. They went together so quickly it was a treat to have them all done in one day! All of them with the exception of Maielle's were quilter's cotton. She got minkee. Sometimes it pays to be one of the babies.
For 3 of the pillowcases I used 2 fabrics and 1/2'' seam allowance.
The measurements for the fabric are 25''x40'' and 8''x40''
1. Fold the 8''x40'' fabric in half the long way.
2. Place right sides together and serge 8'' fabric to 25'' fabric(along the 40'' side of course)
3. Serge the bottom and side.
4. Iron the seam toward the opening and topstitch.
-With 2 pillowcases I used 1 piece of fabric. I simply folded the top to the inside to make the band before sewing up the ends and side and topstitching.
Project complete! One thing done yesterday that won't be eaten up only to be eliminated out for me to deal with later. One thing not spilled out only to be picked up and dumped again. Ah, the feeling of accomplishment!